
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day's end.

Happy Daisy Amy Florence Photos
When I was younger, I used to watch the sun set a lot, where we live backs on to fields and it's perfect for wandering through at dusk and watching the sun set over the quarry. I got out of the habit somewhere along the line - working evenings doesn't help - but now and again I make a special effort. 
Happy Daisy Amy Florence Photos
Happy Daisy Amy Florence Photos
Last Sunday was really beautiful. There's something about lying in a field, surrounded by buttercups and listening to the Kings Of Leon, dreaming and planning about all sorts of projects and watching the sun get lower in the sky. The light is wonderful at that time of day. 
Happy Daisy Amy Florence Photos
I am very grateful to be surrounded by a large chunk of nature, but at moments like this I get greedy and wish I lived in the countryside properly. Here, even lying surrounded by acres of fields you can still hear the train line. But it's better than being surrounded by never-ending concrete, so I mustn't complain too much.

I hope you're having a good week! I'm working on my quilt in every spare minute - it's coming along wonderfully! A ♥

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